Caught in Gross Sin at Instant of Rapture, Then What?

Bible Talk: Suppose the Rapture was imminent, and PistoS, a stumbling believer, is presently engaged in gross sin. Then, suddenly, the Rapture occurs. Does PistoS get raptured whilst thus (grossly) sinning? Yes or no and why please with Scriptural support.

Our answer: yes, PistoS gets raptured, because of the key word “believer” (John 3:15, Romans 8:30-34, 38-39; note John 14:17, Romans 8:9-10). A (true) believer must become “undwelt” by the Spirit of God for them to lose their Salvation, but our God Jehovah is not fickle like that, nor can He be by definition, and the assumption here is that stumbling and bumbling Pistos is still a believer despite their sin (probably the norm in Christendom), and hence tethered to Jesus, who does (has done) the heavy lifting once and for all for PistoS. But still, consider that Jesus will judge the merit of that tether, so…?  Please leave a comment and tell us and the JA community what you think.

Christ bless you and yours dearest friend…