5/6 of the Way Home?

Bible Talk


How far around the horn are the hands of the prophetic clock in this early twenty-first century? If midnight is the end of mundane time and Jesus’ return, how far along is that clock?




God only knows, but let’s make a biblically educated guess. We know that Old Testament prophecy centered on the first coming of Jesus Christ. And Jesus’ first coming singularly concerned fallen humankind’s Redemption and Salvation, by way of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, respectively. And then there is the Old Testament and New Testament prophecies that isolate the last days of this good earth as we know it, and the Day of the Lord | Jesus’ return. So, we have:


1.) First coming of Jesus.

2.) Jesus’ Redemption (crucifixion) | Salvation (resurrection) ministry.

3.) Last days, Day of the Lord, Jesus’ return.


Three broad sweeps of prophecy. So where are we in the unfolding of God’s prophetic Word? Clearly, we are somewhere along the way at point 3, and that means that two-thirds of said prophecy is fulfilled without question. The signs of the times today indicate that we are well on our way to realizing point three’s consummate fulfillment, but let’s be conservative and estimate that we are only about one-half of the way through the last third, i.e., one-half of the way through point three. Now let’s add up the numbers:


2/3+((1/3)/2)=2/3+1/6=4/6+1/6=5/6, which is approximately 83%.


It seems reasonable that we are at least 83% of the way home so to speak (Fig. 1). But our estimate of one-half of the final third seems quite conservative, we are no doubt further along that last third than that, so 83% fulfillment is probably too low. Jesus’ return seems more imminent these days than ever, no doubt we are more likely in the mid 90% fulfillment or better today. Some say the clock could strike midnight at any time, and we do not doubt that a bit. Are you ready for Jesus’ return dearest reader (“A Letter of Invitation“)?


Illustrations and Tables


Figure 1. The Ticking Prophetic Clock. Green= 5/6 or 83%. We are probably further along than that…