Where the inner rivers, meet, in froth and foam,
a mist emerges, ever so gently borne.
Do pound, and roar, the waves that crash,
yon mist, so fine, atop the boisterous splash.
Up, up, and out, o’er the confluence sore,
doth hover, and float, suffuse, betimes pour.
With thy Truth, doth dowse, doth show a higher plane,
blessed Vista, aloft, inner rivers flowing in vain.
Needful river, but One, ever sourced is thee,
crimson stream, a Savior, flowing from Calvary.
No more inner rivers, at odds, in froth and foam,
inner river, but One, eternal Truth, I follow home.
Beyond the confluence, at last, illuminating mist, surround,
hallelujah chorus, let loose, sing much praise, and resound.