From the beginning, you knew our names. When that work was required it was you who was called, it was you who stepped forth…
FATHER I am willing, I go with great zeal, our loved ones to heal, our loved ones to shield, thou Father to reveal.
MY holy Son whom I love, help them to see, help them to love and abide in thee. My Spirit is ready to cleanse and to wash, my heart is so willing our children to absolve.
BELOVED Father we have been one throughout time, even so, I shall go to restore our fellowship with mankind. Any, cut deep within by their sin, compelled by our pain to abstain, such shall be washed clean, made holy, anew again.
THOU art my beloved Son in whom I delight, O how I love thee my holy Son. Their sins, thou shalt bear, their iniquities, thou shalt wear. Their peace shall smite thee sore—yea, thy life, for them is the door. Thus in thee only have they life, when unto thee a faithful wife, for their chastisement is on thee…my beautiful Son, thy blood shall set man free. And as surely as I AM, and thou art one ever with me, these whom we love so I shall magnify in thee. Amen. In your glory, and might, faithful God, my Son, they shall live always, and forever. Let it be, it is done.
How good it is we have you my Lord; thank you great savior God…