The Image of Jesus Christ
Isa 40:11, John 10:1-7, 8-14, 15-18
Thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three… they’re all here; they seem well, great savior God. Help me to help their numbers swell.
Be ever with us as we cross over this rugged earth; secure our perimeter, and move us as one body; keep us together, great savior God. Help me to help those that will not keep up, help me to help those that will wander afar off.
Be day-by-day our fortress and shelter, great savior God. Help me to help those that will become vulnerable and exposed.
Be continually our wisdom unto sound discernment, to choose the right paths, those filled with green pastures and cool still waters, great savior God. Help me to help those that will hunger and thirst.
Be always our balm and salve, great savior God. Help me to help those that will get wounded and hurt.
Be steadfastly our protection, great savior God. Help me to help those that will come under attack; help me to lay down my life for this much-beloved Flock.