The Family Walk

Galatians 5:16


Walking like the Master, walking like He walked.

Always rejoicing in Him, in His Salvation, lovingkindness, mercy, and grace.

Loving Him, Him alone, with our heart, our head, our hands, and feet.

Keeping His commandments, in the Spirit, confessing, repenting, submitting.

In Him trusting, trusting in Him, transferring all trust to Him, just to Him.

Never straying, nor wandering, the strait and the narrow, the Family Way.

Going forward, straight ahead, homeward bound, forever with the Family.


Figure 1. The Fruit of the Spirit Walk (Galatians 5:22-23).


Figure 2. The principal directions of the rows of figure 1 scaled by their eigenvalues, based on KJV occurrences. The red direction dominates because it has the most occurrences in the aggregate (numerical, not theological gauge). It is the “in the inner man” direction, precisely where the Spirit of God dwells in His people and brings God’s love, the joy of peace with Him, it is where He works to effect a fruitful walk Like unto Jesus’ walk, very God’s walk. God is love, Jesus is the Prince of Peace, the Spirit of God brings the joy of that love and peace to His people and makes them fruitful (“A Letter of Invitation“).