Jesus, Amen was launched 11/23/2010, the site was relaunched 04/04/2021.
Our purpose is to glorify the Revealer of Jehovah God, and the Intermediary between humankind and God, Jesus Christ, on the pages of this site. Everything we do here in some way or another tries to put Jesus out front for everyone’s scrutiny, so that He might be exalted in the eyes of the beholder per the amazing facts recorded about Him in the course of His earthly ministry, and that the beholder might come to appreciate Him as none other than deity, the God-Man Jesus. Jesus, out front like that, says more about Him than myriad personal fancies, for He attests to Himself perfectly, and needs no one to do that for Him. That is why we use the Anonymous servant pseudonym, to put Jesus out front for everyone’s scrutiny, in this way keeping all eyes on Jesus.
And not least this ministry is focused on learning, learning more abut Jesus Christ, and sharing the same with you dear reader for your spiritual nourishment and satiety, which come together in the Salvation Jesus offers.
Finally, Jesus is the Centerpiece of Scripture, He is the Bridge between the Old Testament and the New and vice versa, and everything from Creation to Covenant, from the Beginning to the End, from the What and Why and How, turns singularly on Jesus Christ as we have come to understand this. Such things that we learn about Him we are blessed to be able to share with you on this site dear reader, and it comes in the form of several main categories, “feedings” if you will, alike anchored in Jesus, the Word of God, as related by the Christian Bible:
- Bible Commentaries
- Bible Talk
- Biblical Studies
- Creation Corner
- Psalms of Praise
- Sensitivity Training
- Sermons
- Theological Studies
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