Zechariah 9:16 Like so many precious gemstones in your hands, holy spirits all, polished by you and fitted for an eternal service, we are the substance of your purchase. One is like amethyst, another like beryl, another like chalcedony, another like diamond, and more: emerald, garnet, jade, jasper, onyx, opal, pearl, quartz, ruby, sapphire, sardonyx, topaz, turquoise, zircon, countless more still. Faces varied, aglow and secure; form and function serving your end, an interwoven mosaic patterned to your likeness. Such is your family Most High, the work of your hands, the crown of your glory. Such is a testimony to your greatness, your goodness, your mercy…your love. We adore you and love you, great savior God. We thank you, and shall sing your praises forever and ever great savior God.