When the days are long, and the nights even longer still,
your messengers of love, of their time, do the heart fill.
When battles are many, and burdensome toils overbear,
your messengers of love, come alongside, even in prayer.
When much pain overwhelms, and despair it so chokes the soul,
your messengers of love, bring much healing, so that hope might unfold.
When darkness abounds, and night rules o’er the day,
your messengers of love, shine your light, all along the way.
When aggression, and vengeance, rules in the hearts of men,
your messengers of love, deliberate forgiveness, so as to amend.
When divisions, and strife, cut asunder, deep and wide,
your messengers of love, humbly, lay down their pride.
When thus they have done, yea even in your love, carried your load,
your messengers of love, O Messenger of Love, eternally you hold.
How good it is we serve One like you, O Messenger of God’s love,
One burdened with the load to make all things new, like unto heaven above…