When the oxen stumbled, O my, the Ark of God slid forth,
slipping, sliding, this precious article of great worth.
And David, the singers, yea, even the good folks all around,
watched it teeter, and totter, thus hover above the ground.
Nay, no way, it shall in nowise fall,
good man Uzza, nearby, this shall forestall.
A good man, this Uzza, guardian of the Ark,
stretched forth his hand, good man, thus he steadied the Ark.
Hurray, good man Uzza, hast thou not done well,
yea into pieces, and soiled, the Ark of God ever it fell.
But slain, shot through, by the finger of a holy God,
on the ground, Uzza lay dead, O a good man deemed not.
For nigh unto God, cometh none, in their soiled, unregenerate state,
neither reverence for His things, nor good deeds, can change that mandate.
Indeed holy God Jehovah, draweth nigh, is approached singularly so,
through rebirth by His Spirit, tethered to Jesus, else like unto Uzza, woe. (1 Chronicles 13:7-10, John 3:3 “John Chapter Three Commentary“)
Praised be thy holy Name great Jehovah God, thou of impeccable, uncompromised, holy standards. Amen.