Your skies so blue, awesome sunsets red,
Artist extraordinaire, Jehovah, the Best.
Your heavens so vast, in situ light, long treads,
Artist extraordinaire, Jehovah, the Best.
Your atoms so small, O my, parts smaller yet,
Artist extraordinaire, Jehovah, the Best.
Your water so fluid, frozen sinks not!, it floats!, instead,
Artist extraordinaire, Jehovah, the Best.
Again, your water so nimble, life’s solvent, you said,
Artist extraordinaire, Jehovah, the Best.
Your mathematics so crisp, all your handiwork attests,
Artist extraordinaire, Jehovah, the Best.
Your creatures so complex, humankind o’er the rest,
Artist extraordinaire, Jehovah, the Best.
Praised be your Name Great Jehovah God, Artist extraordinaire, the Best. Amen.