Deep, in Eden, o’er by a brook, along the way,
penetrating silence, softly broken, as gurgling waters play.
Sleek doe, and baby fawns, drawn nigh deeply drink,
whilst golden rays, above, celebrate dawn’s primitive brink.
Thick darkness, retreats, glorious light fills the sky!,
myriad critters, and creatures, are stirred to life.
And a man, and a woman, freshly formed from the clay,
‘er so close, long they kiss, reveling in their first days.
As He moves, amongst His trees, Creator God is pleased,
even to fellowship, with His first people, beloved Adam, and Eve.
Blessing here, blessing there, exceeding blessings day and night,
God’s first people, sing His praises, He ever so close by their side.
He moves, amongst God’s trees, a usurper, a jealous tempter, quite pleased,
even to wreck, God’s fellowship, with His first people Adam, and Eve.
‘Yea, didst God say, eat not of any, of any yon trees?’,
‘nay just there, that one there, with sapient fruit, lest surely we die,’ said Eve.
‘Ha!, behold!, touch and smell!, is it not pleasing?, exciting in your hand?!,
ye shall not, surely die, but like unto God!, all things understand!’
O my she did eat, did Eve, and he Adam did too,
they trusted a usurper, a jealous tempter, O my they gave him God’s due.
As their eyes, fell open, sapient fruit in hand, in lockstep, in paradise, did God’s first people fall,
now ashamed, to be naked, from God did hide, amongst His trees did hide, whilst He grieved, called:
‘Beloved Adam, my friend, what is this you have done?’,
’twas the woman, you gave, bade me, else I’d have none.’
‘Beloved Eve, my friend, what is this you have done?’,
’twas the serpent, you made, deceived me, else I’d have none.’
‘On your belly, accursed, would be usurper, jealous tempter, in the dust your days spend,
see here—through this very woman!, beguiled, your rebellion I shall end.
O woman, of desires, by your man, be reined in; forget not this day—in travail, bring forth seed,
O man, of fickle heart, by your God, be reined in; forget not this day—in travail, bring forth seed.
O woman, O man, my first people, my plan…,
it must needs be surely, upon your days surely, I set a span.
Yet I, even I, shall redeem you, shall sanctify you, O beloved woman, O beloved man,
it must needs be surely, upon your days surely, I set no span, O beloved woman, O beloved man,
for you are mine, my plan…, and it shall, it must needs stand.’
It must needs stand. Long sitting. Waiting. He rises. He stands. He slips out of heaven, and into time,
Creator, Redeemer, great savior God sublime, slips into time, the womb of a virgin, enter the divine.
‘O beloved woman, O beloved man, you are mine, my plan…, and it shall, it must needs stand,
lifeblood for sin, O beloved woman, O beloved man; my lifeblood, for you, covered is the demand!’
It must needs stand. Long sitting. Waiting. He rises. He stands. He slips out of heaven, and into time,
Creator, Redeemer, great savior God sublime, slips into time, the eastern sky, enter the divine.
A trumpet, a shout: ‘O beloved woman, O beloved man, you are mine, my plan…,
together, forever, O beloved woman, O beloved man, my plan…, yea see, it stands!’