Holiness unto the Lord God Jehovah of Hosts today, even today,
strain, ever strain to do justly, love mercy, walk humbly along the way.
Jesus Christ is your Guide, His blessed Spirit you must, you must obey.
Love Him foremost, yea He, be your all-in-all, your Lord, Papa God in your heart,
bless all whom you meet, be unto them as to yourself, a friend, exceeding stalwart.
Walk openly and honestly before Him, not even so much as the appearance of deceit,
no lies from your lips, fast purge the thought, Holiness unto the Lord never cheats.
Be someone He can trust, and rely on, steadfast in your service, come what may,
steal not His glory, your right arm avails you nothing, for what did you actually pay?
Live simply, and gratefully, give thanks unto the Lord, for you walk by grace, yea grace,
every step, every breath, a gracious gift from God, He, alongside, as you run your race.
Be a forgiver, overlook an offense, never hate, harm, scream, or lose control—do it not,
you have been forgiven, a wretched sinner, thus by God embraced, at the highest cost.
Holiness unto the Lord God Jehovah of Hosts today, even today,
strain, ever strain to do justly, love mercy, walk humbly along the way.
Jesus Christ is your Guide (“A Letter of Invitation-2”), His blessed Spirit you must obey.