Be strong in the Lord, in the power of His might,
let His presence, beside, allay all your fright.
Gird your waist, with truth, a breastplate of righteousness too,
let the Gospel of Peace, in shoe leather, be preached through you.
A shield of faith, in your hand, indeed thus stand strong,
disdain, ever despise, yon unclean wicked one.
The helmet of Salvation, slip on, slip over your head,
eyes straight ahead, no confusion, blessed assurance instead.
The Sword of the Spirit, just now unsheathe, and up high wield,
the Word of God, O yea look yonder, this wicked enemy doth yield.
Not least in prayer, and supplication, thus before Jehovah bow,
lift the vulnerable saints, before God, straightaway do it just now.
(Ephesians 6:10-16, 17-18)