“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day.” John 6:44
Drawing, drawing, you hear His sound, and cannot tell,
whence it comes, and whither it goes,
thus drawn, to Christ, can you hear Him?, Father-bells,
so quiet, Spirit- sound, divine whisper, God’s notes.
Papa God, is calling, His holy fire burns, within,
a flicker, soon a flame, fast a holy fire, He sends,
burning, consuming, as drawing to Him,
Blessed Spirit of God, Timeless Worker, He beckons.
Drawing, drawing, stop!, listen!, He calls!,
on fire mountain, His handiwork, to the heavens it glows,
Holy Spirit, so tender, brings this heat to our hearts,
To His own, foreknown, from eternity past, whom He knows.
Papa God, is calling, the Breath of God stirs, within,
Gentle breeze floating, softly moving, before it one cannot stand,
Unto Christ, and the Cross, blown by this calm, easy wind,
And from there, by design, ever into Papa God’s loving, hand.
Praised be your Name great Jehovah God, even the God of Intimacy and Relationship. Thank you for drawing us to yourself beloved Papa God Jehovah. Amen.