—Earthy Things—
Our practical universe functions algorithmically in a framework of causality, and causality is exactly preserved irrespective of mundane points of view, of which none is preferred—directionally, quantitatively—because God willed it to be so.
Space and time are different aspects of the same thing, and the speed of light in vacuum is fixed for mass and information, because God willed it to be so.
(Total) energy and momentum are conserved, albeit entropy increases, because God willed it to be so.
—Heady Things—
Efficacious simplicity is elegant, and matter of fact logic is practical, because God willed it to be so.
Even a little forethought is advantageous, and a good plan is half the battle, because God willed it to be so.
Dwelling on God is enlightening, and thus prayer untangles tight knots, because God willed it to be so.
—Metaphysical Things—
This-worldly existence is finite, and infinitude comes but from the outside, from the Eternal One, from God, an Act of God, because God willed it to be so.
Conscious being bespeaks a mind, and a mind is fundamental to knowing, knowing the Eternal Mind, because God willed it to be so.
God’s Reality is quintessential reality, and quintessential reality is Truth, is Jesus Christ, is the quintessential reality of God, because God willed it to be so.
—Character Things—
A disciplined life is profitable, and self-control even more, because God willed it to be so.
Sacrifice for others in the face of great cost is Christlike, and selflessness is a virtue, because God willed it to be so.
Honesty and transparency breed trust, deceit and masks breed skepticism, because God willed it to be so.
—Joy and Pain Things—
Joy refreshes the soul, and righteous laughter, even simply smiling, is medicinal, because God willed it to be so.
The Joy of the Lord is exceeding strength, and such strength cannot be overcome, because God willed it to be so.
Pain motivates dependence on God, and suffering is the best teacher, because God willed it to be so.
—Discipleship Things—
A disciple’s strength comes from intimate fellowship with Jesus Christ, and intimate fellowship with Jesus Christ, and thus discipleship, is graciously extended to all, because God willed it to be so (“A Letter of Invitation-2”).
Discipleship comes with a cost, and a disciple a priori counts this cost, because God willed it to be so.
A disciple is a servant, a servant of God, of others, and servitude like unto the great Servant Jesus is their preferred way of life, because God willed it to be so.
—Salvific Things—
Salvation comes by faith alone, in Jesus alone, because God willed it to be so.
Salvation is free, is freely extended to all, is free because of the great cost incurred by the Servant-Savior Jesus, because God willed it to be so.
I am saved by God’s grace, and shall live forever with my Lord and my great savior God, because God willed it to be so.
Praised be your Name great Jehovah God, not least for that which you will. Amen.